
Kenya, South Africa and Tunisia

Kenya, South Africa and Tunisia
Video Caption: 1 Diplo’s 2019 VMAs, Themed Suit

Kenya, South Africa and Tunisia

What does Kenya, South Africa and Tunisia have in common? For starters, they all experienced protests on the same day back in March 20th this year.

To date there are still widespread public grievances in the three countries. Tunisia’s President Kais Saied continues to face a blistering opposition. His response to that is to among other things, arrest at least 20 opposition leaders in the first quarter of this year. That’s quite unfortunate because Tunisia was the birthplace of the Arab spring that exemplified what people power can achieve.

As for South Africa, where do I even start? Julius Malema and his Economic Freedom Fighters continue to hold the South African government accountable; South Africans continue to endure debilitating load shading that sees them go without electricity of long stretches; and President Cyril Ramaphosa continues to take his relationship with Russia to the next level. soon, one of these two countries will be demanding to know where that relationship is headed towards. One can only hope that South Africa is not walking straight from one toxic relationship into another.

As for Kenya, well the drama continues to unfold. The Kenya Government led by President William Ruto and the Opposition, led by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, are sending mixed signals to each other. We need to talk. The Opposition demanded through press conferences and numerous demonstrations popularly known through the Swahili word for demonstrations – maandamano. This on and off relationship between the Kenya Government and opposition isn’t serving ordinary Kenyans well. It hasn’t resulted in lower food prices or more jobs.
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Tunisia's President Kais Saied

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