
Three Reasons Why It's time to Say Bye to Biya

Three Reasons Why It's time to Say Bye to Biya
Video Caption: 1 Diplo’s 2019 VMAs, Themed Suit

It's time for a new generation of energetic, ethical, forward-thinking leaders to reshape Cameroon into the prosperous country its people deserve. No more self-serving dictators destroying the Cameroonian dream for personal gain.

For over 40 years, Cameroonians have endured the oppressive, corrupt rule of Paul Biya. His reign has been marred by scandal after scandal, showing flagrant disregard for democracy, human rights and good governance. Yet 91-year old Biya wants to run for elections again. How now? Lest you forget, let us examine three of Biya’s most egregious offenses:

The Albatross Affaire: In the 1990s, evidence emerged that Biya had spent over $40 million from Cameroon's treasury to purchase a luxury presidential jet dubbed "The Albatross." This blatant theft from public coffers sparked outrage, but Biya avoided accountability. To this day, Cameroonians have seen no justice for this brazen kleptocracy.

The Camrail Train Derailment: In 2016, at least 79 people died and over 600 were injured when a heavily overcrowded passenger train derailed near Eseka. Crumbling infrastructure and mismanagement under Biya's regime were blamed. The preventable tragedy exposed the decrepit state of public services after decades of neglect.

The Anglophone Crisis: Since 2016, Biya has overseen a violent crackdown on protests by Cameroon's Anglophone minority in the Northwest and Southwest regions. UN experts say at least 4,000 civilians have been killed as security forces burned villages. Biya inflamed tensions by refusing dialogue on reforming Cameroon's bi-cultural system.

These scandals alone represent just a glimpse into the rot, repression and incompetence that has come to define Biya's presidency. But they reinforce an inescapable truth - Cameroon cannot flourish under such tyrannical misrule any longer.

So as Biya desperately maneuvers to extende his disastrous tenure even further, I say enough is enough! After over 4 decades of empty promises, state looting and human rights abuses, we demand change. This great nation of Cameroon is at the very heart of Africa and must be fully resuscitated.

It's time for a new generation of energetic, ethical, forward-thinking leaders to reshape Cameroon into the prosperous country its people deserve. No more self-serving dictators destroying the Cameroonian dream for personal gain.

The dawn of a new era in Cameroon is finally on the horizon. We must now stride towards that horizon with courage and determination.

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