
Beautiful Breeze

A Beautiful Breeze for Your Travel

A Beautiful Breeze for Your Travel


Travel. Go somewhere that you have never been to. Go there every other month or every two months. Or even every quarter. And if you can’t then go there every six months. If somehow, that is still tricky, then by all means travel every year.

Travel changed my life. For real. I will tell you how shortly. But first, let’s walk down memory lane to my first proper travel. It was to Mombasa and I was six years old. It was just me, papa and my big brother Peter. Plus some class seven students of Buru Buru 1 Primary School where we schooled. It was an official holiday trip for class 7 students but because papa was a teacher there (Music and English), he took us along.


River Karura in Nairobi's Karura Forest. Photo by DJ Bwakali

The road longs for your company

When I first laid my six-year old eyes on the ocean, words stubbornly refused to drip from my mouth for several minutes. I had seen a river. I had even seen lakes. Lake Elmentaita and Lake Naivasha. But I had never, ever seen so much water like this. I wasn’t the only one who was mesmerized. With the exception of Miss Nyali, who was native to the coastal region, every pair of eyes was gazing intently through the windows, marveling at the big blue ocean.

Travel places your feet into new ground and opens your eyes to a whole new world. Travel turns moments into memories. Travel opens the door for new encounters with new people. Travel expands your horizons and networks. Travel expands not just your world, but your mind too. Go now. If you can’t travel now, plan to do so. The road awaits you, to ferry you to places unknown. Memorable places that will refresh your spirit.

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