
Africans Must Reject the Trappings of Power

Africans Must Reject the Trappings of Power

For too long, the pomp and circumstance that often accompany high office have obscured the noble essence of governance. Lavish convoys, opulent residences, and the indulgent perquisites of power have become emblems of excess, relics of a bygone era that stand in stark contrast to the pressing needs of the masses.

As Bassirou Diomaye Faye takes the oath of office as Senegal's youngest president, a profound shift must reverberate across the African continent. His remarkable ascent, a meteoric rise from prison to the presidency in a mere 10 days, is a testament to the indomitable spirit of change that courses through the veins of Africa's youth.

Yet, amidst the euphoria of this transformative moment, a clarion call beckons President Faye and his fellow African leaders: reject the hollow trappings of power and embrace the profound blessings of power that true servant leadership bestows upon the people. President Diomaye must never forget that 75% of Senegal’s 18-million-strong population is under 35 and mostly unemployed or under-employed.

For too long, the pomp and circumstance that often accompany high office have obscured the noble essence of governance. Lavish convoys, opulent residences, and the indulgent perquisites of power have become emblems of excess, relics of a bygone era that stand in stark contrast to the pressing needs of the masses.

It is time to break free from this gilded cage of ostentation and rediscover the path that Thomas Sankara, the iconic leader of Burkina Faso, so boldly forged. In the face of government indulgence, Sankara slashed executive expenditure, decreeing that government ministers would drive the affordable Renault 5, one of the cheapest cars available at the time.

This single, symbolic act resonated far beyond its material implications, embodying a profound shift in priorities – a rejection of the trappings of power in favor of the blessings of power that come with serving the people.

President Faye, your ascendancy to the highest office is a clarion call to usher in a new era of transformative servant leadership. The Senegalese people have entrusted you with a sacred mandate: to steer the nation towards greater sovereignty, development, and well-being, as you so eloquently articulated.

Yet, this mandate extends far beyond the borders of Senegal, echoing across the vast expanse of our beloved continent. It is a rallying cry for all African leaders to embrace the blessings of power – the profound privilege of uplifting the lives of millions, of fostering unity, and of unleashing the boundless potential that lies dormant within our people.

The path ahead will be arduous, fraught with challenges that will test the mettle of even the most resolute leaders. But it is in these crucibles of adversity that the true essence of servant leadership is forged.

For the blessings of power lie not in the accumulation of wealth or the aggrandizement of self, but in the ability to uplift the downtrodden, to heal the wounds of conflict, and to sow the seeds of prosperity that will bear fruit for generations to come.


It is a clarion call to invest in the education of our youth, to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit that will fuel economic growth, and to safeguard the precious resources that are the birthright of all Africans.

And it is a call to embrace the rich tapestry of our diversity, to celebrate the unique identities that weave together the vibrant fabric of our continent, while forging unbreakable bonds of solidarity in the face of shared challenges.

President Faye, your ascent to the presidency was built upon the sacrifices of those who came before you – the martyrs, the amputees, the wounded, and the former prisoners who paid a heavy price for the dream of a better Senegal. Honor their sacrifices by rejecting the hollow trappings of power and embracing the profound blessings that servant leadership bestows.

To your fellow African leaders, let this moment be a catalyst for a renaissance of servant leadership across our great continent. Cast aside the allure of ostentation and indulgence, and embrace the profound privilege of serving your people with humility, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to their well-being.

For it is in the blessings of power, not its trappings, that the true greatness of leadership resides. It is in the ability to transform lives, to heal divisions, and to forge a path towards a future where every African can realize their full potential, unburdened by the shackles of poverty, conflict, and injustice.

Let this be the clarion call that echoes across our expansive savannas, our majestic mountains, and our teeming cities – a call to embrace the blessings of power and to reject the hollow trappings of power that have for too long obscured the noble essence of governance.

For in doing so, we shall usher in a new era of transformative servant leadership.

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